Account API controller
API | Description |
GET api/AccAccounts |
Retrieve Accounts |
POST api/AccAccounts |
Upload Accounts to E-SOFT. Update existing ones by providing the company, account and account type code with the fields that will be modified. |
Accounting balance API controller
API | Description |
GET api/AccountBalance |
Retrieve Accounts balances (posted) |
Account groups API controller
API | Description |
GET api/AccountGroups |
Retrieve the groups of the accounts |
POST api/AccountGroups |
Create / update an account group |
Account Saved Amount API controller
API | Description |
GET api/AccountSavedAmount |
Saved Invoices and Receipts total amount |
Accounting transaction API controller
API | Description |
POST api/AccTrans |
Upload Accounting Transactions (Single). |
API | Description |
GET api/Contracts |
Retrieve Contracts |
Deleted Accounts API controller
API | Description |
GET api/DeletedAccounts |
Retrieve the accounts that were deleted or stopped after the last sync date |
Deleted items API controller
API | Description |
GET api/DeletedContracts |
Retrieve deleted or stopped contracts |
Deleted items API controller
API | Description |
GET api/DeletedItems |
Retrieve the items that were deleted or stopped after the last synch date |
Changed item API controller
API | Description |
GET api/DeletedOrChangedItems |
Retrieve the items that were stopped, deleted or their code changed after the last synch date |
Group discount API controller
API | Description |
GET api/GroupDiscount |
Retrieve group discounts |
Header Analysis API controller.
API | Description |
GET api/HeaderAnalysis |
Retrieve the Header Analysis |
Item images API controller
API | Description |
GET api/Images |
Retrieve the available item's image |
POST api/Images |
Store image per item |
API | Description |
GET api/ItemAvailability |
Retrieve the item availability. Provide either the wanted item's code or a last sync date to retrieve any item whose availability was modified since the given date |
Item API controller.
API | Description |
GET api/Items |
Retrieve items from ESOFT that were modified after the given date |
Loyalty Points controller.
API | Description |
GET api/LoyaltyPoints |
Retrieve accounts loyalty points |
Order Tracking API controller.
API | Description |
GET api/OrderTracking |
Retrieve order status. P: Pending, D: Partially Delivered, W: Fully delivered C: Cancelled |
Pending Costings API controller.
API | Description |
GET api/PendingCostings |
Retrieve of pending Costing (COG) and Reverse Costing (CGR) items. Provide either the wanted item's code or a last sync date to retrieve any item whose availability was modified since the given date |
POP API controller.
API | Description |
GET api/POP |
Retrieve pending pop info using specific item code or store |
Pricelist API controller.
API | Description |
GET api/Pricelist |
Retrieve pricelists from ESOFT that were modified after the given date. Not providing itemcode returns every item. Not providing code returns every used pricelist code Retrieve data that were modified after given LastSyncDate. Stopped items and items with disallowed levels are excluded. Setting "validate" field to true return only the currently active pricelists |
Receipt API controller
API | Description |
GET api/Receipt |
Retrieve Receipts |
POST api/Receipt |
Upload Receipts |
API | Description |
GET api/SalesPerson |
No documentation available. |
Stock transactions API controller
API | Description |
POST api/StkTrans |
Upload a Stock Transaction. Supported transactions: SAL: invoice, SRE: Credit note, ISS: Issues, IRE: Issues return, PUR: Purchase, Purchase Order: POP, Purchase Return: PRE, TEN: Tender, ORD: Order,Jobcard WAY: Waybill, TRF: Transfer, ADJ: Adjustment, REQ: Requisition, Invoices support commitions. The toStore field is used only in TRF, REQ |
Stock transactions API controller
API | Description |
GET api/StkTransAccount |
Retrieve stock transactions basic info for specific account or document number |
Multi Stock transactions API controller
API | Description |
POST api/StkTransMulti |
Upload multi Stock Transaction. Supported transactions: SAL: invoice, SRE: Credit note, ISS: Issues, IRE: Issues return, PUR: Purchase, Purchase Order: POP, Purchase Return: PRE, TEN: Tender, ORD: Order,Jobcard WAY: Waybill, TRF: Transfer, ADJ: Adjustment, REQ: Requisition, Invoices support commitions. The toStore field is used only in TRF, REQ |
Stock availability API controller
API | Description |
GET api/StockAvailability |
Retrieve the availability of items for specific store |
Stock availability API controller
API | Description |
GET api/StockTotalAvailability |
Retrieve the total availability of items |
API | Description |
GET api/Stores |
Retrieve stores / warehouses |
ValidateUser API controller.
API | Description |
GET api/ValidateUser |
Retrieve if username and password are valid |